I'm so happy that you stopped by for a visit!
My name is Orsi, head of Ballistic Pets. I created this space to provide fun, information, and inspiration for you and your pets!

You see, I have a tendency to hyper-focus on research into anything that interests me, and there is nothing more interesting that finding ways to connect with my beloved pets and foster animals. I have spent many years of my life raising, fostering, pet-sitting, training, playing, nurturing, and loving animals as true friends. I believe I have some great things to share that will make your relationship with your pet even stronger and more special.

Here at Ballistic Pets, we are all about positive reinforcement, truly engaging with our pets as our best friends, and most importantly, striving for connection and trust, rather than perfection. This approach has worked wonders for me with my fosters, and my pets as well, bringing so much joy and love throughout the years.
Let me introduce the family, who you will also see throughout the site as our beloved and absolutely gorgeous models:

The Boy
His nickname, my Shadow Beast, comes from the fact that he was literally the worst puppy in the known universe. I was terrified of his every waking moment when he was only a couple months old! However, he drove me to learn all about dog training, mental stimulation games, and dog behavior in general. He helped forge me into who I am today, but I also managed to forge him into the sweetest boy, who regularly gets compliments for being so good and comments like "You are lucky, I wish my dog was so calm and easy going!". He also watches out for my chickens like a dutiful guardian. He is the best boy!

The Girl
In contrast to the Shadow Beast, this little girl was pure sweetness and joy from the moment I brought her home to foster at 6 weeks old. Calm, funny, affectionate, she was the first puppy that made me believe that easy puppies do exist! She came back to me from the shelter three times due to different circumstances, and the third time I knew she was never going back again, she was home. She is a rare gem, and I can't wait to see how she grows!

The Huntress
While I had cats all my life, after my last one passed away, I had a difficult time bringing myself to adopt an other. This fierce little lady adopted us, however! She was a feral cat who made her home in our garage over winter, and slowly got to trust us as we fed and kept her warm daily. Now, she is a cuddle bug who is always rushing to us when we get home to get some pets, and in exchange brings us lots of mouse presents that she hunted herself.

Rhys and his Ladies
It had been my dream to have chickens, and a little while ago, I did my research and preparations, and got my first batch of 11 newly hatched babies. Been raising them ever since, and now they provide us with fresh eggs daily, and enjoy foraging for greens and bugs on our land daily, under the protection of The Boy.

Foster Babies
I've had many foster babies over the years, and they always teach me something new! Every pup is a different challenge, with a personality all their own. Experiencing so many connections made me realize that there is no set solution or method for training or connecting to any one puppy, and the most important thing is to have empathy and really try to understand the dog in front of you. It is with this in mind that I approach all advice on this blog as well!